Micro-pigmentation Tattoos Camouflage Scars

Micro-pigmentation Tattoos

Micro-pigmentation Tattoos

Micro-pigmentation Tattoos I was lucky enough to be invited back to Pings clinic: The Beauty Zone in order to film Micro-pigmentation Tattoos scar camouflaging and it's something I've been interested in ever since I did the eyebrows with Pings a while ago and she was developing a person in Micro-pigmentation Tattoos so we manager back with a simulation who has an acne scarring and she did micro pigmentation on her scalp to help cover up the acne scars and that's what this video is about it is pretty cool and fairly effective I hope you loved it. So this is the modeling, Katherine, she had acne scars on her face so she's lost pigment in those sectors where the scarring has occurred in she has had previous scares in order to help with the scarring but they haven't helped to the extent that she wanted so putting a pigment back into the skin where the scarring has occurred helps visibly reduce the scarring so you match a colouring to the scalp and you pop that back into where you've actually "I've lost my" pigmentation so it's re-pigmentation tension.

"Um, it's a bit like tattooing, so they're going to cover my spots" "A little bit lighter than my normal color, hopefully, they will take away my ... spots or at the least camouflage them a little bit" "Yeah so they're not so evident, coz their ugly" "Yes no make up, hopefully, I'd like to go make up free" "I've tried laser, I P L and fractional lasers, on them too, yeah, I've tried heaps" "Well the latter is meant to decrease my pigmentation to establish the scarring lighter, but it never happened, yeah" "not as much to my liking anyway.

They've done the allergy exam and all so I'm fine with everything that, yeah, I'm just, yeah, I've googled a little bit of it. I'm nervous but I'm excited" "I've never had it done, but I'll do anything" Everything is sanitized and sterile, So the model's skin is purified, the ointment is put one over, the numbing cream is merely put in the areas where they will be treating, putting pigment back into the skin where's there's scarring, so we waited about 10 to 15 minutes for the numbing to amply take effete Ping and her Trainee looked at it the colour of her scalp and ascertained what colouring would be better They applied about six flavors to get the correct coloring, and it took about three different colouring alternatives to figure out which colour would match her skin tint best The colour was mixed up and very carefully the Micro-pigmentation Tattoos machine and the needle was all put together.

For an application, Ping and her trainee would dip their pigmentation needle into the colour and then they would apply that in small quick prick like perceptions into the scalp so basically the pigmentation is going into the skin via little canals, but the customer is the amount and she isn't feeling much of it if anything at all So you can see here, Ping is guiding the trainee where to apply the pigmentation in the centre or not touching the edges of the white-hot scar. There is a little bit of blood, this looks similar to petechiae, that we suffer where reference does skin needling, so it's only really surface grade, it doesn't deter bleed and when you wipe it off it's gone. simply bear in mind this might take a 2nd therapy, this isn't just a one-off potentially, we have to see how it pans out and how it ends and how it seems after a time, it could take up to four to five weeks for it to settle.

Finally formerly all of the areas have been treated, they wipe off any petechial and surface tier colouring, and then apply some more color by way of a soak so to speak so that was left on for about five minutes simply to resume soaking into any of those little micro-channels that open in the skin. Patron: "It's not too bad Micro-pigmentation Tattoos , some bits I couldn't even experience at all" After wiping off the color soak, the cleaned the skin, then utilized like a paw various kinds of ointment, it's actually a specialized healing salve that Ping furnishes I'm not altogether sure what's in it but she was told to apply this three or four times a day Patron: "Oh heaps actually, no spots for starters.

I've been told a bit of redness afterward which is fine. Yeah so just a good outcome, I hope so." And here's the model's reaction. "woohoo, OMG that's so cool, Wow that's so cool, I look normal! That's amazing! " "That's yuck( untreated side) That's cool( treated back) It's so cool, I'll go home and look at it for ages" This after picture is within 10 minute of the care happening so the skin is pink and a little bit swollen and the areas so once it decides you really will see what research results will look like but even now you are able to see a difference and that is amazing and here's a painting which is about 4 periods after the care. I hope you enjoyed this video, thank you for having seen. Subscribe to more beauty videos.

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